Probus Investment Fund UCITS - India Equity
For qualified investors use only
Investment policy
The India Equity Fund invests in securities of issuers which have their registered office in, are listed in, or carry out the majority of their economic activities in India. Its objective is to achieve long-term growth by outperforming its benchmark (MSCI India 10/40). The fund is structured within a core-satellite model enabling stable returns, yet seeking attractive market opportunities. The core compartment is composed of high-quality companies with stable returns and resilient earnings growth, while the satellite compartment is more opportunistic and contain companies that are expected to benefit from specific cycles and particular investment themes. The selection of securities is performed using Probus’ screening methodology complemented with OysterRock’s deep Indian equity knowledge.
Fund Facts
Last reports
Monthly fact sheet A USD EN
Monthly fact sheet I USD EN
Legal documents
Remuneration policy EN
Available share classes
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Values of an investment may fall as well as rise. This document is intended for information purposes only and may only be distributed to eligible persons under the relevant regulatory rules and regulations, and constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to invest, which will be made only to those individuals and in jurisdictions permitted by law and accompanied by a prospectus. The author and distributors of this document expressly disclaim any liability for inaccuracies it may contain and shall not be held liable for these.